Welcome to the top fan information site focused on the best paid to walk fitness app in both the Apple App Store and Google Play. We so enjoy the benefits of gamification and earning for our steps that we created a club to meet fellow users and a place to buy and sell coins until the currency is traded on a public exchange.
New feature Bonus update
Sweatcoin Clubs
Sweatcoin is the #1 Health and Fitness App (available for iPhone and Android) that pays you cryptocurrency and rewards for walking. From your everyday steps like walking at work all the way to running a marathon, those steps have value. Over 35,000,000 installs has SWC value rising. The marketplace is quickly expanding with new offers daily. Start earning the health and financial benefits of getting outside and walking with the app..
We are expecting SWC Crypto to be released shortly. The move to blockchain should have a positive impact on the value of this new currency. A free trading cryptocurrency will allow you to pay with steps. While we expect the move to blockchain to occur it will take time.
There is a private market for buying and selling Sweat coins.
We expect a big update coming shortly that will help enable Sweatcoin to set a value and get put on blockchain. Check back often for updates.
Update: Sweatcoin has become the fastest growing Health and Fitness app in the history of the App store. Consider that the competition includes apps like Fitbit and Nike. Install Sweatcoin, invite your friends, earn and save. With the size of the install base, SWC is poised to become the most used cryptocurrency likely surpassing Bitcoin and Ethereum. Want to start mining Sweatcoin? No technical experience necessary, just get off the couch, go for a walk and start earning. Walk today and save your coins for the blockchain move and a true cryptocurrency.
Updated support and communication channel just released. The SWC community has always been open about supporting and sharing info about the app. This had always occurred on an unofficial discord channel.
Get the latest Sweatcoin News and Sweat Crypto updates and insights for members only. Emails are rare and we don't sell email addresses but I do occasionally update on new earnings and affiliate opportunities.
When you click the link and join our contest club in the Sweatcoin App, you will be able to compete for extra sweatcoins in your wallet and automatically entered in to our next Sweatcoin Give-Away. Past winners have received up to 500 coins. The winners earn there bonus by competeing with other club members and amounts are all randomly chosen. Club members will be notified with the in-app messaging feature and posted on our Sweatcoin Influencer page. Earn more then Sell Sweatcoin or exchange Sweatcoin to US Dollar.
UPDATE: March 2019 has seen the latest update of Sweatcoin to include Spain. We have had more questions about the release in Spain than any other question (except for Sweatcoin in India). With lifestyles being as they are in Spain, our expectation is for an enormous increase in users. We will now be purchasing Sweatcoin in Euro as well as US Dollars. We expect Spain and Italy to add to the number of folks looking to buy and sell sweatcoin. The new year has also seen the app add Turkey to its list of active marketplaces.
January 2019 Country Update: Many Middle East countries added including Israel, Brunei, Bahrain, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates.
Update Dec 2018: Sweatcoin has entered its 1st markets in Asia. App is now available in
Hong Kong, Singapore and the Philippines. Also added have been Portugal and Vietnam. Huge opportunity! Influencers will now have access to millions of potential users.
Update Nov. 2018: The pace of new countries added is growing quickly and we have seen some major markets added in the last quarter of 2018. The latest update included Turkey and Poland. You can also now "Walk and Earn" in Lithuania, Latvia, Croatia, Estonia and Malta. We will continue to update this list as countries are added.
We have done considerable analysis on the question; Is Sweatcoin Safe? From reviewing the privacy policy to contacting Sweatco directly. Also reviewing the technology they have implemented in the App. Read More: Is Sweatcoin is safe to install. A few brief thoughts on safety; The sweatcoin app does NOT ask for either a credit card or you Social Security number. This immediately put us at ease as these are the two most valuable pieces of data that can be abused. You carry your cell phone everywhere your location is known by your smartphone service provider and your smartphone operating system maker at the very least. You have already granted access to a dozen+ apps. The app is downloaded directly from the App Store for iPhone or Google Play store for Android phones. We have a full page of coverage on Sweatcoin Safety and FAQ's.
Sweatco. ltd. Official Blog has been released and updated.
Sweatco continues to slowly add countries to the list of Sweatcoin marketplaces. They have rolled out country by country to ensure there are items that can be purchased with Sweatcoin specific to each country.
We will continue to update countries as they are released. We expect all countries to be brought online shortly. World-Wide rollout should precede the move to blockchain. This will take SWC from a cybercurrency to a true cryptocurrency.
Sweatcoin is available for install in the EU. Including Germany, France, Spain, Italy.
The explosive growth in Sweatcoin App installs is one not often seen. Over the last 6 weeks we have seen 2 new countries launched. The Canadian launch was embraced by both Candian Fitness enthusiasts and no less excited was the acceptance by the Canadian Crypto Currency crowd. The App reached #1 in Canada's App store in just shy of 2 weeks. About a week after that we saw an explosive launch in Australia, where Sweatcoin downloads hit #1 in the AU App store in 7 days. One week to hit #1, not just number one in the Exercise and Fitness category but top spot overall. Consider that this means Sweatcoin was installed more often than Facebook, Google, Fortnight and all the rest. We are receiving questions on a daily basis asking if Europe is next. Although we can not confirm, we have heard from a solid source that the EU is the most likely place for the next Sweatcoin App launch. We can't wait to see the momentum that fitness and cyber currency enthusiasts in France, Germany, Sweden, Romania and Spain will bring to the Sweatcoin (sweetcoin) community. Click below to install Sweatcoin if the App has not launched when you visit, sign-up to receive an email prior to Sweatcoin launching in your country. After installing the "Get Paid to Walk" app, stop by often for weekly updates on Sweatcoin PayPal Price, Value and Safety
Anyone who sends you .01 Sweatcoin with a message saying they can double your Sweatcoin is lying. There is NO ONE who is going to double the Sweatcoin you send them instantly, in a week or in a month. This is a Scam. Don't respond, don't engage and DO NOT SEND THEM ANYTHING.
If anyone wants to double my sweatcoin.. please send me as many as you want... and I will send you back 50%. Sounds silly..right.. that's what you're agreeing to in reverse. You will never get your hard earned coins back. Sweatco LTD. can not help you. Oleg and Anton can't help you. You will have thrown away your earnings. If you are not sure about a sweatcoin offer, feel free to contact us and ask. Sometimes an extra set of eyes will help. We are happy to take a look and try to help a club member but we are not perfect. We do not take responsibility if you proceed with any offer outside of the Sweatcoin App. You can be 99.9% sure we will tell you the offer you received is a scam.
Update March 2019: Just found a new scam. There is no such thing as a Free Sweatcoin Generator. A site has popped up that has a similar domain to this one. Please avoid Sweatcheat.Club. You will not get free sweatcoin but you will give away your personal information. Don't do it.
Sell Sweatcoin SCAM ALERT: Here's another scam that we wanted to let follow App users aware of, sweatcoin.co.uk, which is not affiliated with Sweatco. and is likely a scam. We do not believe you will ever receive any fiat currency for the Sweatcoin you send to this account. While it appears the Sweatcoin accoun that is linked to this website (where users are told to sent their hard earned Sweatcoin) has been disabled by the company. It would only take the fraudsters 2 minutes to get a new cell phone number (prepaid perhaps) and open a new account. It would likely be disabled by Sweatco but only for now. Once the currency moves to blockchain, the company will no longer be able to reverse scam transactions or cancel accounts.
Sweatcoin Hack Scam Alert - We just came across a site that is using the lure of free "magic" Sweatcoin. If you enter your Sweatcoin account name you will access a "Sweatcoin hack". We have not seen what they plan on doing aside from baiting users to click and install other Apps. I'm a huge fan of affiliate programs but using Sweatcoin as bait (and never paying out) is just not cool. We highly recommend avoiding Sweatcoin.live (Sweatcoin.Live is in no way affiliated with Sweatco). Generating interest and traffic mostly from Romania. They also appear to have taken, without asking permission, the SweatcoinGuide logo (Site is a great resource) If it's to good to be true... don't give away your information or money. Common Sense Prevails. Walk and Earn.
Seeing a big uptick in "Buy and Sell Scams". Because Sweatcoin has not yet moved to blockchain, the coins are not legally allowed to trade on an exchange in the United States and most countries. This has caused a large increase in the number of Sweatcoin scams in the private market. We encourage you to check how long the person has been using the app and been trading in sweatcoin. Most users that have been participating and buying/selling for over a year with no online complaints tend to be safe. Remember once you send someone sweatcoin there is no recourse to have them returned. In 99% of cases Sweatco. LTD will not intervene.
Companies are partnering with SweatCo. and accepting sweatcoin to find new customers. Millions of people from a desirable demographic are looking at Sweatcoin offers. It's a great form of advertising for the partners. A type of introductory offer in most cases. IF Sweatcoin gains in value, the vendors can do extremely well selling their sweatcoin BUT regardless they got the access to potential new customers who tend to be young and affluent.
We like many of the Sweatcoin Rewards and have purchased quite a few. Initially we spent our earned Sweatcoins on the in-app rewards. As we continue to follow both the SweatCoin (SWC) market and Sweatco LTD. we have shifted to acquiring and saving our earnings. Not only do we feel that SWC will increase in value but there is no question that they will continue to improve the offerings available in the app. Sweatcoin Value Page. Over time we will see Sweatcoin Money easily transferred either with Paypal or an open and transparent currency exchange.
We recently had this article written by a Sweatcoin Club member as an open letter to Sweatco. We are not 100% on-board with every one of these 10 but felt it was important to share.
Sweatcoin is a digital currency backed by physical movement. Sweatcoin verifies and converts movement into currency. Users can then donate it to charity, transfer to other users or spend on products, services, and experiences provided by Sweatcoin vendors and user community. If you have not already joined Sweatcoin click here now to join the best fitness app on the market.
1. Desktop sign-in is something that has needed to happen for a long time. I can't tell you how many times I have wished I could transfer Sweatcoins to someone on my computer. It is not like Sweatcoin would have any trouble doing it either! Sweatcoin makes you put in an email and a password to create an account so it should not be an issue to implement in the near future. This is a necessary feature if Sweatcoin moves onto a blockchain because most crypto-trading is done on computers.
2. Official Sweatcoin Exchange - ability to make money from walking is what Sweatcoin is supposed to be all about right? Well that is only going to happen if Sweatcoin moves onto a blockchain. Then there is the problem of supply and demand. Because one Sweatcoin is created every 1000 steps there is technically an infinite supply of Sweatcoins, which means it will be very hard for Sweatcoins to retain value. However, this could be fixed if Sweatcoin put a halving mechanism in place, which is where the amount you earn is halved whenever a certain amount of people join. This would then help stop the infinite supply problem.
3. Better Marketplace Offers - At some point all of us have been by the offers in the marketplace. It seems that all of the offers are for a discounted product or a free trial that we don’t need. I am certain that if Sweatcoin simply got better marketplace offers, Sweatcoin would see a lot more users come in. I’m sure if Sweatcoin started offering gift cards to places such as Amazon or ITunes, Sweatcoin would see a lot more users. This is probably the most important thing Sweatcoin can do right now.
4. Sweatcoin Lottery - A lottery for Sweatcoins would be amazing. Sweatcoin could have a one sweatcoin entry fee and have a drawing every Sunday. There are tons of shady Sweatcoin lotteries but no official ones. Therefore an official lottery would stop people from giving their hard earned Swetcoins to horrible scammers. This feature would add some fun to the app and give people something to look forward to every Sunday and give people another way to get Sweetcoins. This would overall increase the activity of Sweatcoin users.
5. Leader boards - Haven't we all wished that we could go head to head against our friends on a leader board, and see who gets the most steps. Sweatcoin could even have a separate friend leader board and a world leader board to make things more fun. Prizes could be awarded daily to whoever walks the most. This would make people more motivated to walk because they are going against other people for a grand prize. This would be an overall smart and fun feature, that would probably help increase the Sweatcoin communities activity and would make people more likely to download the app.
6. The Official Forum Sweatcoin has plenty of unofficial trading and community forums but it does not have an official one. It would be amazing to finally have an official Sweatcoin forum. The forum could have announcements, ideas and even giveaways. This would be a great way for the very large Sweatcoin community to connect with each other. This would help Sweatcoin become a better app overall.
7. Feed From Who You Are Following - If you get live feed from your friends this would make Sweatcoin like a social media site. Everyone would be able to share their steps and photos with each other. Sweatcoin could even implement a dedicated messaging feature to let people connect with each other even more. Overall a live feed feature for Sweatcoin would make the app a much better experience and would boost the apps reputation.
8. Better Step Conversion - This is less a feature and more something that Sweatcoin needs to work on. On my phone only about half of my steps count and none of my indoor steps count. This is VERY important because they are paying you to walk, so they should perfect what they are doing. Also not getting your steps completely counted is very frustrating to me and a lot of other people. Just look at the App Store and Google Play Store and you will see that 95% of bad reviews are because of bad step conversion. I do understand that the indoor step counting feature is new and they are still working out the bugs, but that it still no excuse for outdoor steps to not be counted.
9. Unlimited Step Membership Option - Have you at some point have gotten more than 20,000 steps and wished, why can’t I get more? Well let me tell you, you are not the only one who has thought that! It would be so nice if you get as many coins as you want. Although, there are a few issues with implementing this feature. Hacking or manipulating the system would probably be more widespread. On the contrary this could be fixed if Sweatcoin bput more security and anti-cheating algorithms in place. This feature would be great for runners, or people with jobs that require a lot of movement. Overall this feature would draw in more hardcore runners and walkers, therefore strengthening the Sweatcoin app and Sweatcoin community.
10. Make It Possible To Get Sweatcoins Without The App Open - This is THE MOST IMPORTANT FEATURE YET. If Sweatcoin could find a way to let us get Sweatcoins without having the app open then TONS more people would download it. This would decrease the amount of battery people use on their phones and it would let people use Sweatcoin even if their phone is almost dead. If you combine that with an unlimited step plan then Sweatcoin would be an unstoppable force in the fitness and health industry. A lot of people complain that Sweatcoin uses too much battery, so if Sweatcoin implemented a feature that let people use Sweatcoin without the app open, then it would completely change the app.
Overall Sweatcoin is an AMAZING app already but it could be so much more if Sweatcoin could just implement a few of these features.
If you have any suggestions for Sweatco LTD, we would love to hear from you and post them on our site. Let us know what you think Sweatcoin can do to improve.
The owner and publisher of this website is neither an owner or employee of SweatCo LTD. We receive compensation in the form of Sweatcoin for referring new users to the Sweatcoin app. Once you install the app on your iPhone or Android you will have the same opportunity for compensation for referring your friends and contacts. We do not provide any financial advice and are not financial advisors. We do not make recommendations to buy or sell Sweatcoin.
By requesting a price quote to buy or sell (paypal only). You agree to occasionally receive emails from our fan site.
Web 3 Move to Earn and play to earn applications are part of a growing trend that allows users to exchange their personal data or activities for compensation in the form of digital assets, such as cryptocurrencies or non-fungible tokens (NFTs). These applications leverage Web 3.0 technologies, such as blockchain, smart contracts, and decentralized networks, to create new digital economies and opportunities for users to own, control, and monetize their data and actions.
Play to earn applications are games that reward users for playing them, usually by farming or collecting crypto and NFTs that can be traded or sold on internal or external marketplaces. Some examples of popular play to earn games are Axie Infinity, CryptoKitties, and Decentraland1.
Move to earn applications are fitness apps that reward users for being active, such as walking, jogging, or swimming. Users typically need to stake or own some NFTs, such as sneakers or wearable devices, that influence how much they earn. The rewards are usually in the form of native utility tokens that can be used within the app or exchanged for other cryptocurrencies. Some examples of move to earn apps are Sweatcoin, STEPN, Step App, and SportE.
Both play to earn and move to earn applications aim to align the incentives of users and brands, promote user engagement and retention, and empower users to benefit from their data and activities in the Web 3.0 era.
Received message. Sure, I can help you with that. Here is a summary of what I found: Web 3 Move to Earn and play to earn applications are part of a growing trend that allows users to exchange their personal data or activities for compensation in the form of digital assets, such as cryptocurrencies or non-fungible tokens (NFTs). These applications leverage Web 3.0 technologies, such as blockchain, smart contracts, and decentralized networks, to create new digital economies and opportunities for users to own, control, and monetize their data and actions. Play to earn applications are games that reward users for playing them, usually by farming or collecting crypto and NFTs that can be traded or sold on internal or external marketplaces. Some examples of popular play to earn games are Axie Infinity, CryptoKitties, and Decentraland. Move to earn applications are fitness apps that reward users for being active, such as walking, jogging, or swimming. Users typically need to stake or own some NFTs, such as sneakers or wearable devices, that influence how much they earn. The rewards are usually in the form of native utility tokens that can be used within the app or exchanged for other cryptocurrencies. Some examples of move to earn apps are STEPN, Step App, and SportE . Both play to earn and move to earn applications aim to align the incentives of users and brands, promote user engagement and retention, and empower users to benefit from their data and activities in the Web 3.0 era.
If you are looking for a way to get fit and earn some crypto at the same time, you might be interested in apps that pay you for your steps. Sweatcoin is one of the most popular apps in this category, but it is not the only one. There are other apps that offer similar or different features and rewards for your physical activity. In this article, we will compare Sweatcoin to three or four other apps that earn crypto, and help you decide which one is right for you.
What is Sweatcoin?
Sweatcoin is an app that tracks your outdoor steps and converts them into Sweatcoins, a digital currency that you can use to redeem various products, services, or experiences from their marketplace, or exchange for other cryptocurrencies or fiat money. Sweatcoin uses its own algorithm to count your steps, and does not require any additional hardware or devices. However, it only counts your outdoor steps, and has a limit on how many steps you can earn from per day, depending on your subscription plan. Sweatcoin also has a variety of offers in its marketplace, ranging from discounts, free trials, sweepstakes, to physical goods and gift cards. You can also donate your Sweatcoins to various causes or share them with your friends and family¹.
What are the alternatives to Sweatcoin?
There are many other apps that earn crypto for your steps or other physical activities, but we will focus on three or four of them that have some similarities or differences with Sweatcoin. These are:
- LifeCoin: LifeCoin is an app that also tracks your outdoor steps and converts them into LifeCoins, a digital currency that you can use to redeem gift cards, gadgets, or fitness products from their marketplace. LifeCoin has a similar algorithm and limit as Sweatcoin, but it also has a feature called Boost Mode, which allows you to earn more LifeCoins for a short period of time by watching ads or completing surveys. LifeCoin also has a referral program that gives you and your friends bonus LifeCoins when they sign up using your link².
- StormX: StormX is an app that pays you in crypto for completing various tasks, such as shopping online, playing games, watching videos, or answering surveys. StormX has a wide range of partners and offers, and you can choose from different cryptocurrencies to earn, such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, or StormX Token. StormX also has a loyalty program that gives you higher rewards and cashback rates based on your membership level. StormX does not track your steps, but it does have a fitness category in its marketplace, where you can find deals and discounts on fitness products and services³.
- StepChain: StepChain is an app that tracks your indoor and outdoor steps, as well as other fitness activities, such as running, cycling, or swimming, and converts them into STEP tokens, a digital currency that you can use to buy or sell on exchanges, or stake to earn more tokens. StepChain also has a social network feature, where you can share your progress, challenges, and achievements with other users, and join or create groups and events. StepChain also has a gamified system, where you can earn badges, trophies, and levels for your activities⁴.
- XY O Coin: XY O Coin is an app that tracks your location and steps, and rewards you for validating geospatial data using XYO's blockchain and fingerprinting technology. You can earn more by using a SentinelX device, which is a Bluetooth beacon that enhances your data value, or by subscribing to a premium plan. XY O Coin has a more limited selection of offers in its marketplace, mostly consisting of digital assets, electronics, and gaming consoles. You can also transfer your XY O Coins to an external wallet or exchange, or use them to participate in minigames or challenges within the app⁵.
How to choose the best app for you?
The best app for you depends on your personal preferences, goals, and lifestyle. Here are some questions that you can ask yourself to help you choose:
- How much do you value your privacy and security? Some apps may collect more data than others, and some may use blockchain technology to ensure transparency and trust. You should always read the terms and conditions and privacy policies of the apps before using them, and be aware of the potential risks and limitations.
- How much do you care about the quality and quantity of the offers and rewards? Some apps may have more or less offers and rewards than others, and some may have more or less value and appeal than others. You should always check the current rates and availability of the offers and rewards before redeeming or exchanging them, and be aware of the potential fees and taxes involved.
- How much do you enjoy the user experience and interface of the apps? Some apps may have more or less features and functions than others, and some may have more or less user-friendly and attractive designs than others. You should always try the apps yourself and see which ones suit your taste and needs better.
- How much do you want to support the mission and vision of the apps? Some apps may have more or less social and environmental impact than others, and some may have more or less alignment with your values and beliefs than others. You should always research the background and purpose of the apps and see which ones resonate with you more.
Sweatcoin is a popular and well-known app that pays you for your steps, but it is not the only one. There are other apps that offer similar or different features and rewards for your physical activity, such as LifeCoin, StormX, StepChain, and XYO Coin. Each app has its own pros and cons, and you should choose the one that best fits your preferences, goals, and lifestyle. However, you can also use more than one app at the same time, as they do not interfere with each other, and you can earn from multiple sources. However, you should always be careful and responsible when using these apps, and consult your doctor before starting any physical activity.
(1) 15 Ways to Earn Cryptocurrency for Free in 2023 | CoinLedger. https://coinledger.io/tools/earn-cryptocurrency-for-free.
(2) 11 Ways To Earn Free Crypto | Bankrate. https://www.bankrate.com/investing/how-to-earn-free-crypto/.
(3) 15 Legit Apps to Earn Crypto on Mobile in 2023 - CaptainAltcoin. https://captainaltcoin.com/how-to-earn-crypto-on-mobile-earn-free-crypto-on-your-phone/.
(4) 11 Free Apps That Pay You Bitcoin and Other Cryptocurrency. https://selfmadesuccess.com/free-apps-pay-bitcoin-cryptocurrency/.
(5) The 10 Best Crypto Learn and Earn Platforms in 2023. https://coinledger.io/tools/learn-and-earn-crypto.
The original Sweatcoin fan site. New user bonus with our Sweatcoin Sign Up. Buy and Sell Sweatcoin . Sweatcoin to US Dollar price. Sparklet to USD.
*We NEVER give financial advice. It's all in FUN.
Where can I trade Sweatcoin?
Where can I trade Upland Sparklet?
What other Crypto App do we use?
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