Are you looking for the Sweatcoin to Euro price? Remember Sweatcoin is earned by using the Sweatcoin app and can be spent in the sweatcoin marketplace specific to your country. You will also earn $Sweat, $Sweat is the actual crypto that can be trased on exchanges like Kucoin or Binance. Most exchanges are currently offering Sweat to USD or Sweat to Ether. You can message us for Sweatcoin to Euro prices. They will be discounted vs Sweat to usd.
Sweat to Euro trading has begun on half a dozen major crypto exchanges. Once you install the app you will be earning sweat for all your steps. Sweat converts to the British Pound, Euro and US Dollar. Check you crypto exchange to see if they are trading sweat to euro or sweat to us dollar.
In the 3rd Quarter of 2022 all holders of Sweatcoin will be given an equal amount of the new SWEAT token. Sweat coin is expected to trade in Euro and Bitcoin.
There are opportunities to purchase and partner with Sweatcoin users in the United States. U.S. users will not be given the new Sweat crypto per country specific crypto laws. Reach out to us for connections to other users looking to partner and exchange Sweatcoin to Euro or Pounds.
Are you looking for Buy or Sell Sweatcoin price in Europe or The UK? Sweatcoin has not yet moved to blockchain, as such there is no public exchange for price discovery and trading in SWC. If you would like to exchange your Sweatcoin to GBP or EUR, please open the app with the button below, follow user "Howard100". Send me a message in app and I will reply as soon as possible with a current price. Please be patient. Find Sweatcoin to USD info here.
Sweatcoin has moved to blockchain and is traded on crypto exchanges. The top exchange trading sweat is Kucoin. They lead the way in new cryptos worldwide. Executing trades in all major crypto currencies including Sweat to USD trading. Sweat to EURO.
To sell your SWEAT on an exchange platform, follow these steps:
Remember that trading cryptocurrencies involves risks, and prices can be volatile. Always do your research and consider market conditions before making any transactions. Good luck with your sale!
We have seen many requests asking if we knew when Sweatcoin was coming to Germany. On the 3rd weekend of August 2018 we saw the tweet from the official account saying "Guten Morgen Deutschland und Osterreich" or "Good Morning Germany and Austria". Announcing that our favorite free fitness app has finally been made available in these two European countries.
With the fitness conscious population in Austria and Germany, we are expecting a meteoric rise to the top of the iPhone App and Android Google Play stores. While significanty larger markets than the Netherlands making it tougher to achieve top spot for free installs, we have no doubt that we will see Sweatcoin on top of the charts for free apps in the Health and Fitness categories.
There are 3 reasons folks tend to visit our site. Those include in no particular order:
1. Is Sweatcoin Safe?
2. Can I turn Sweatcoin in to Euro in my PayPal account?
3. What is the fastest way to earn Sweatcoin?
By clicking the links on questions 1 and 2 you will learn the answers to those questions. Question 3 we will answer for you right here. Most folks believe that the fastest way to earn Sweatcoin is to walk or jog more. This is obviously the intention of the App and will serve you very well but the fastest way to load your account with coins (and earn rewards) is to refer your friends and contacts to join #SweatcoinNation. Every friend that joins Sweatcoin will earn you 5 coins. That means you can earn the equivalent of 5,000+ steps by simply sharing your personal referral code via Text, Email, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc.
We cover this here because you have a huge opportunity to be among the 1st in your country to install and invite.
Update March 2019: The App has launched in Spain. Great influencer opportunities with thousands joining daily.
August 2021 - Growth continues worldwide for the app and our club. Install, walk and earn.
September 12, 2022 - The Sweat token TGE (token generation event). 1 SWEAT token for each Sweatcoin in the app crypto wallet.
Sweatcoin is now available in Germany, Austria and all of the EU (2021).
There are few countries as beautiful to walk as Italy. Now the people of Italy and anyone visiting can earn Sweatcoin. The long awaited (and often requested) addition of Italy to the list of countries with access to Sweatcoin has finally happened. Click below and visit the official Apple App or Google Play stores to download Sweatcoin today.
Walk and Earn Italy!! Welcome to #SweatNation
The top Health and Fitness App that earns users Cryptocurrency for walking, biking and running has finally launched in France. The people pf France have been among the fastest adopters of the Sweatcoin App. Create your Sweat wallet today. Bienvenue dans la famille Sweatcoin
Complete list of SWC available countries
UPDATE: The Wait is Over. Sweatcoin Launched in Europe (EU).
On July 15th Sweatco ltd. launched the Sweatcoin App though out the EU. We had not considered that Sweatcoin would be available for install in most EU countries on the same day. Our analysis had lead us to believe the next launch after The Netherlands would occur in France or Spain. Instead to really kick-off summer, the app was released in all of the countries listed and more. Sweden, Luxembourg, Romania, Portugal and Italy have all been included in European launch.
Welcome to #SweatNation Europe!!
There is no shortage of speculation which European country will be first to see the Sweatcoin App available. The 2 most likely candidates based on activity (walking and running) of citizens, smart phone penetration and population are Germany and France. To maximize future growth, we are hoping to see the Sweat Coin App released in Spain or Portugal. A Spanish version of the app opens up Latin and most of South America. These will ultimately be big growth markets for Sweatco. A launch in Portugal (Portuguese version) would prepare for a launch in the huge market of Brazil with its active citizens, large population and growing smart phone usage.
Now We Know... On June 3rd 2018, Sweatcoin has launched in its first European Country. Sweatcoin in the Netherlands is now live. Install, Exercise and Earn Today.
We are waiting for official confirmation but based on the pickup in traffic it appears Sweatcoin is now available in Poland. We want to welcome our fellow Sweatcoiners from Poland.
Czy Sweatcoin jest dostępny w Polsce? Wygląda na to, że możesz pobrać aplikację "Zarabiaj na spacer" w Polsce
We would love to hear from you if you installed Sweatcoin in Poland and can confirm the launch. If the Poland marketplace has not yet launched, you can still install the app and begin earning by downloading below. Start saving your earned cryptocurrency today.
Where will Sweatcoin rollout next? Sweatcoin will be released throughout Europe over the remainder of 2018. Over the next few months we will see the Sweatcoin App in Sweden, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Greece, Finland, Denmark and the rest of the EU. Transparency is a major theme in successful, young businesses. Particularly when we're talking about companies that plan to employ blockchain technology. Sweatcoin Co-Founder Anton Derlyarka and Oleg Fomenko have embraced transparency as Sweatcoin grows. Below is an interview posted on Medium given by Anton.
Questions for the interview were crowdsourced through postings on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. Users and Fans were asked to submit questions and through a series of videos and the article below, those questions have been answered. These include where next and an update on the move to blockchain.
As the world’s first digital currency backed by physical movement, the Sweatcoin team get a lot of questions — Who’s behind Sweatcoin? What’s your vision? When can I cash out? How did Sweatcoin come about? We recently celebrated our third birthday, and this seemed like as good a time as any to run an AMA with our Co-Founder Anton Derlyatka. We gave our users a chance to #AskAnton on our social channels and here’s what they asked…
#AskAnton How did you start Sweatcoin?
Anton: The starting point was the idea. It felt right — physical movement has economic value. So we just had to fine-tune it with that in mind, because the idea was so attractive that I couldn’t help but think it’d take over the world. Venture capitalists always ask us what our scalability potential is, and with something like this, it’s almost unlimited. So once you put something in place that has a lot of promise, you understand that the only thing standing between you and the final state of things is yourself. I mulled it over for a year, then shared it with Oleg and we decided to start a business together.
#AskAnton What was the biggest factor in you being able to start Sweatcoin?
Anton: I think it’s a combination of an idea, your understanding of the space, your skill set and your Co-Founder. It’s all a balance, you understand that some things are missing and some things you’ve got in abundance. It’s also about the right time in your life to start a business — you can’t start one if you’re perfectly happy with what you’re doing at the moment, there has to be a reason for you to want to change something. For me right now, there’s no way I can start another business! I’m so absorbed with what’s happening here, and I’m not in the frame of mind to do something else. You’ve got to be in a state of mind that’s conducive to starting over.
#AskAnton Tell us about your Co-Founder Oleg?
Anton: Oh man, he’s a pain in the neck. Impossible! :)))) But honestly, he’s an incredible guy — lots of experience. A great person. I know I can rely on him and trust him, and I just want to learn from him. We’ve known each other a long time, and one of the really cool things we did together is we went climbed Kilimanjaro, to the very top, and he led our team. We had a couple of really challenging situations there and it was incredible to see how people react to really tense and difficult situations. He’s great, not just professionally but personally too.
#AskAnton How does Sweatcoin make money?
Anton: Short-term we are making money off our partnerships with our brand partners and we are starting to establish partnerships with healthcare and insurance partners. Longer-term, we are committed to working with national and local governments in helping them achieve their goals of making their citizens/residents more physically active. Our big picture use case for Sweatcoin is paying at least some part of your income tax with Sweatcoins!
#AskAnton When will I be able to cash out Sweatcoin for real money?
Anton: The way to do it properly is to put Sweatcoin on a blockchain so it can be run by the community providing necessary levels of security and transparency. The team is working on this as we speak, I promise to update you guys on how we are going regularly, just continue to keep a lookout for updates across our various channels.
#AskAnton Would you sell Sweatcoin?
Anton: No. I want it to be what we want it to be, and if we sold I’m not sure that’d happen. We want to achieve the vision we’ve had from day one, so that’s the challenge. I don’t mean I want it to be my legacy — it’s not really a vanity thing. I would like to create a thing that has never existed before. I’d like it to be longer lasting because that means people needed it.
#AskAnton Can we have cheaper/better/bigger brand offers in the marketplace?
Anton: It’s a huge focus of the team at the moment — getting cool, high quality offers on the app, at a great price. You’ll have hopefully seen that we’re pricing a lot more of our offers at the lower end (around 5–10 SWC), to make them more attainable for you guys. However, we want to hear from you guys as to what sorts of brands you want on the app. But don’t just let us know, let the brands know too (that they should partner with Sweatcoin)!
#AskAnton What’s Sweatcoin’s policy on scammers?
Anton: We hate scammers, and you have to know that under no circumstances will we at Sweatcoin approach you to send us Sweatcoins or to double your balance. So, remember that — whenever you’re requested to send Sweatcoins to someone using our name, that’s a scam. We try to prevent this from happening and will try and return your Sweatcoins if you’ve been scammed. However, bear in mind that when Sweatcoin is put on a blockchain those transactions will be irreversible, so please be careful — on our side we’ll do everything we can to reduce the number of scammers. However, we’re so popular at the moment (fortunately or unfortunately!) that a lot of people are trying to scam our users. Beware!
#AskAnton How do I become an influencer?
Anton: Oh, that’s really easy. Just get on the app, invite at least 30 friends, and we’ll get you a secret level that only influencers get access to, and there you go! Very easy!
#AskAnton When is the Trouble Maker tier/level coming? It’d be cool if it was for running marathons!
Anton: For now we would like to keep it a secret, there is some work going on behind the scenes and I will let you know the news as soon as I am allowed to :)) But the marathon idea would be really cool!
#AskAnton When will Sweatcoin be available in {insert country here}?
Anton: Our current plan is to roll out across most of Europe this year and other countries after that. Watch this space. Make sure you sign up on Sweatcoin App Install (use this link and I get 5 sweatcoin for the introduction. You will get the same for installing and introducing your friends) if we’re not in your country, as we’ll let you know as soon as we launch!
#AskAnton What is the difference between overall steps and Sweatcoin steps? Why are there more overall steps than Sweatcoin steps?
Anton: Ahh good one, I’m glad this came up. So you see overall steps are the crude pedometer steps recorded by your phone. Pedometers are dumb, and can’t tell the difference between a real step from a fake step, like a bump or shake of your phone. If we relied on this alone to convert Sweatcoins, it would make it super easy to cheat the system and would really make Sweatcoins completely worthless. So, for this reason, we check your phone’s pedometer steps against other things like GPS, speed, and movement to make sure we are confident they were actually earned by physical movement and not cheating.
#AskAnton How can I be part of the Sweatcoin team?
Anton: We’re always looking for passionate, entrepreneurial and cool people to join our team. Send an email to hire and pitch yourself. My team or I will be sure to get back to you.
#AskAnton What was your first business idea?
Anton: Well, it wasn’t really an idea, it was more an easy way to make money. When I was a kid you could make money returning empty bottles, and my grandfather, as I discovered, had a basement full of empty bottles that no one wanted to take and return, so I said, ‘How about you let me do that, and we’ll do a revenue share?’ Obviously, I didn’t know that term then, but we agreed that I’d get some money — and that was quite a considerable amount of money for a young kid. I really enjoyed that process.
#AskAnton How do you measure success?
Anton: Well, success is so deeply personal, because it depends on your own understanding of life. To some it’s money, recognition, power — so to me, success is to be able to do something that lasts and something that creates value. But in the process of doing that it’s also important to me to have fun, because if you’re doing stuff that’s useful but not enjoying yourself then what’s the point? Life is the process, not the destination — but my problem has always been that I can’t enjoy my own success for longer than a day. It’s hard for me to rest. Some people say, ‘Great, I’ve achieved it.’ There’s so much satisfaction — for me, it barely lasts a day.
#AskAnton What’s a failure you have learnt a lot from?
Anton: I’m not sure it was a failure, but I think an important thing to learn was to choose your partners wisely because they’re someone who should be complementary to you in terms of your skills, but also in terms of who you are as a person. Because you will inevitably go through very difficult times with your business and you want to have someone you can rely on as opposed to someone who will be a weak link, from a personal perspective. You can get over some deficiencies in skill set, but you’ve got to have somebody you can rely on.
#AskAnton Who do you compare yourself against?
Anton: I don’t compare myself. I want to build a global product, something that can be attractive to people whether they’re from China, the UK, Indonesia, Russia. Comparing against other people doesn’t make loads of sense to me, because people are all different and comparing implies that you’re better or worse than anyone else. I don’t think it’s a particularly fruitful strategy.
#AskAnton How do your motivations differ now, to when you were younger?
Anton: I was driven by more obvious ambitions — money, success, and being cool. But once you achieve certain things, you gain perspective. When I was 20 I wanted a really cool car. The first time you get one, you’re like, oh, great! The second time, it’s alright. The third time, it’s ok. The satisfaction declines and at some point, you start asking what the point is. I don’t want to get a new car anymore because it’s not going to give me any happiness. So that type of aspiration has gone.
Where is Sweatcoin available? Here's the latest list of Sweatcoin countries.
The owner and publisher of this website is neither an owner or employee of SweatCo LTD. We receive compensation in the form of Sweatcoin for referring new users to the Sweatcoin app. Once you install the app on your iPhone or Android you will have the same opportunity for compensation for referring your friends and contacts. We never offer financial advice, informational purposes only.
*By requesting a Sweatcoin price quote, you agree to join Sweatcoin Club and receive email updates.
Sweatcoin Price quoted is not an offer to buy or sell sweatcoin.
The original Sweatcoin fan site. New user bonus with our Sweatcoin Sign Up. Buy and Sell Sweatcoin . Sweatcoin to US Dollar price.
*We NEVER give financial advice. It's all in FUN.
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