Just updated: A new Sweatcoin Reward Marketplace has opened for App users in The Netherlands. Is Sweden or Denmark next?
Sweatco LTD., the company that owns and operates the Sweatcoin App, began operations in 2015 with the blockchain expanded use concepts in 2017. Sweatcoin as a potential currency is very much in its infancy.
You can spend your Sweatcoin on the in-app offers. While these started out mostly as discounts and introductory type offers the quality has improved greatly over the last year. We find more and more main stream company offerings for full payment in Sweatcoin, often with free shipping.
Others are saving their Sweatcoin for the potential that blockchain may offer. Allowing Sweatcoin to freely be converted in to Dollars, Pounds, other fiat currencies or Bitcoin on an open market.
The majority of people do not fall in to either category. They enjoy the competition or gamification of collecting Sweatcoin as a measure of success against their in-app followers. Most are not familiar with Cryptocurrency or don't accumulate enough to find any interesting offers. Friend us in the Sweatcoin App.