2023: Sweat crypto now trades freely on multiple public exchanges. Crypto exchanges and suggestions listed below. Additional exchanges expected to be added in late 2023. Sweatcoin and Sweat do not currently trade on Binance, although it may be added in the future, we currently recommend club members use Kucoin. While you can not currently transfer earned Sweat tokens from your sweat wallet to binance, you can trade Sweat on Kucoin. We will update club members when they can sell Sweatcoin on Binance. There have been no updates to the availability of Sweat on Binance, we continue to suggest our Sweatcoin Club members use Kucoin. We are looking for a US based exchange for users to trade their tokens and will update as it becomes available.
Summer 2022 update: Currently we continue to match buyers and sellers for Sweatcoin to dollars and other crypto tokens for club members who follow us in the app. This will of course all come to an end, after over 3 years of private exchanges, as the Sweat token is put on to the NEAR blockchain. Once the Sweat token is on the NEAR level one blockchain, the token will freely trade on public exchanges like KuCoin, Binance and eventually Coinbase. Once major exchanges begin trade, users will have the ability to sell their sweatcoin and exchange earned tokens for US Dollars, Ether, Bitcoin and other currencies.
The best price available to Sweatcoin sellers and buyers. We use PayPal in US Dollars as this is the most secure and commonly used exchange method. We may use alternative exchange methods including Venmo, Cash App and some cryptocurrencies (BTC, ETH or XYO). For a current price join the club with the email signup below. The fastest way to complete a transaction is to contact us in the app by following and messaging. The current price we are offering to buy and sell will be provided when you contact us. We expect the move to blockchain will create a public exchange for trading. Currently all transactions are private and we encourage you to be careful who you trade with (have they been transacting since 2018?) and be alert to possible scams. Reach out in-app below for more information. We are happy to help. We update our buy and sell prices as often as possible. As a guide to current prices, view the in-app marketplace auctions. This is an inflated value as you must use earned coin, like all marketplace orders. Purchase prices will be around 50% of recent auction per coin sales.
Sweatcoin to US Dollar Charts and News
The process is manual - funds are NOT automatically sent to your Paypal. We will reply with an offer for your coin if we are currently buying. Please include quantity that you are looking to trade in the message.
September 12th all holders of Sweat Coin outside of the United States will be distributed the new SWEAT token on a one to one exchange. You will continue to hold your earned Sweatcoin in your Sweatcoin Wallet as well as receiving Sweat tokens.